The Company Disbanded


Our big boss is one of the poker cards. He opened a new company in Hong Kong, and the headquarters in Shanghai and the branch in Beijing no longer retain employees. The whole thing happened within a week, without much buffer time.

Initially, two options were provided: either take n+1 and leave, or sign a community-style “co-construction agreement” with the new Hong Kong company to continue working. However, since most people in the Beijing branch chose to leave, the remaining people couldn’t support the entire project, so the big boss let everyone in Beijing go.

I was one of the few who initially wanted to stay, so the resignation came even more suddenly for me. In the morning, I was still prepared to continue working, but by the morning I was informed to leave, signed the papers, and left by noon. Very quickly. However, the company was quite generous with the compensation; HR calculated it according to the highest standard, so I didn’t feel too disappointed.

Logically, after leaving a company, one should say things that were inconvenient to say while employed, like bad things about the company. But I didn’t leave with resentment, nor did I leave voluntarily out of dissatisfaction, so I don’t have much to say for now.

As for why I initially chose to stay, there were multiple reasons. For example, it’s really difficult to handle blockchain in China.

In the coming period, I might have to contact many companies, and there’s no guarantee I’ll find a suitable job. This time, the strange feeling is that I have a bit of uncertainty about how to write my resume and no urge to review my work over the past two years. The work over the past two years didn’t reach an ideal level, but I wasn’t idle either; it’s not due to a lack of confidence in my technical skills.

Because I always keep an eye on the dynamics of the blockchain industry and have been in a state of confusion for a long time, I am also filled with confusion about the job search ahead. Maybe I don’t know, or maybe there really isn’t a reliable project in the blockchain direction in China. I can’t see which track is reliable even from the perspective of industry news, so I have no confidence at all about the real job I need to find.